Posted in Quote of the Day, Star Wars: The Old Republic

Quote of the Day

“First of all, a lot has been made about the new ‘fourth pillar’ of story telling. Is it really all they are making it out to be? In my personal opinion, yes, it really is a big deal and let me tell you why. In the short time I’ve been playing SW:TOR I have already given more thought to my character than I ever did in all the years I played WOW. I’ve had to make hard choices with my Bounty Hunter that have made me honestly think about who he is and what he’s like.”

~ Penny Arcade’s Gabriel

4 thoughts on “Quote of the Day

  1. I hope they can make that relevant throughout the life of your character without wearing players out. I’m still mildly hopeful for this game, but not even remotely ready to jump on the hype train.

  2. Jinx!

    Actually, my quote of the day is considerably shorter than yours, but from the same source. I’d have posted first if I hadn’t be stuffing a Chipotle barbacoa burrito in my face while trying to type.

  3. And thus they effectively put the RP in MMORPG. Yay! It may not be innovative with regard to the MMO aspects, but if it makes me give a trit about my character then it will be something that no other MMO really has accomplished to this point (for me that is). Even if it winds up being WoW with lightsabres as far as gameplay goes, It will be worth it if the game entertains me via the story.

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