Posted in EverQuest

What EQ2 Hath Wrought

A few days ago I handed out a homework assignment to any EverQuest 2 bloggers/players out there — I wanted to hear what features of the game they considered to be better done than WoW (or features that WoW simply doesn’t have).  Not for bashing purposes, but just out of curiosity why these gamers had gravitated to EQ2 over Blizzard’s little boy.

So if you’re curious, like I was, check out the following posts:

P.S. – An older article on the same subject at Elder Game

P.P.S. – And Hudson’s previous thoughts on the subject.

P.P.P.S. – A rebuttal.

8 thoughts on “What EQ2 Hath Wrought

  1. I loved reading the other posts regarding this ‘homework’ assignment, and had a blast doing it myself. Thank you for putting it out there for readers!

  2. No offense intended, and hey, sometimes it’s good to bring back these topics for future consumption!

  3. Maybe Syp’s next assignment should be on the topic of original thoughts or lack of same…?

    Or, we could dive further back in time to find another blog doing this comparison?

    Either way, I’ve always wondered what EQ2 was about.

  4. Thanks for putting my link up!

    Just one note, it’s “We Fly Spitfires” not “We Blog Spitfires” 🙂

    Anyhoo, just curious, was there a reason behind the homework assignment or was it just simple curiousity? I had a blast writing it anyway and hopefully people enjoyed reading it 🙂

  5. Well after giving up on Aion due to gold sellers and botters, I found myself searching for an MMO to play. As a result of this blog post, I grabbed the trial for EQ2.

    After making an account and jumping through the requisite hoops, I fired up the trial only for it to instantly crash back to desktop.

    I uninstalled and installed again, same problem. I went searching on the web and came up with nothing that helped other than somebody mentioning it might be display drivers. Since I already have the latest display drivers, I gave up.

    Sorry EQ2, you may be an amazing game, but one of your strengths is definitely not quick and easy access to the free trial.

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