Posted in Lord of the Rings Online

LOTRO Your Heart Out, Baby!

Just wanted to pass this along, in case you haven’t seen it already.  Turbine is selling the complete edition of LOTRO — the main game and both expansions — for $9.99 as a digital download.  This is really an incredible deal for what I think is a top-notch game, and ten bucks is a good price for a “check it out and see” experience.

15 thoughts on “LOTRO Your Heart Out, Baby!

  1. My wife and I were considering resubbing, and with the free month thrown in this made it a no-brainer.

  2. Hard to say ‘no’ to a deal like that. But is it a sign of confidence or a whiff of panic?

  3. I assume that if I have previously bought the original game and the Moria expansion, that I can buy this and just get Mirkwood added onto my account? And it definitely includes a month’s subscription? I don’t see that mentioned anywhere on that page?

  4. I just received this email. I’m on the fence a our this. I absolutely love the IP. However when I tried the free trial a good while back i just couldn’t get into it. Granted it was a trial and the zone I was in was quiet. I think it also had something to do with the horrible dwarf models used. But 9.99 for the complete game and a free month is tough to beat. Plus I absolutely love rp servers and I bet this game hosts some of the best.

  5. If it were a general offer I might consider it panic. But with it running only for PAX, as a 4-day offer, I’m inclined to think it’s confidence.

  6. That’s awesome. Does this even work with European servers?
    Codemasters is still charging outlandish prices for even the classic version – let alone the complete package. For comparison: About 70 Dollars

  7. Unfortunately us Euros are still getting shafted [as usual] by Codemasters. It still remains a whopping $40 for the triple back on the other side of the pond. This $40 was -already- more expensive than the USA equivalent before the special.


  8. pity all us from europe (and africa) who have to deal with codemaster. Sometimes it wont even take our money, never mind the difference in price.

  9. This and the occasionally awesome deals via Steam on things like EQ, EQ2 or FFXI look really good, but as a new player, getting the endgame expansions is sort of pointless. Not terrible, but not all that great of a deal, either, since getting to the endgame in a “free” month is an exercise in rushing and grinding.

    Sell me a lifetime sub for a bargain price, though, and we’ll talk. 😉

  10. @Tesh haha, I kinda have to agree with you on this one. I know that I just don’t have the time to really appreciate another subscription game with so much on my plate already. I have to remember, keep telling myself, that even though $10 is a totally amazing deal for the game, the real cost of the game is measured in subscription fees and time invested. Two things that I can’t manage to spend on a new game right now.

  11. So I followed the link, and went through the forms… and apparently we in the UK are not eligible. I guess Turbine doesn’t think I’m worthy of being invited in for lower cost.

  12. I decided to go ahead and do this. $10 for a month is worth it.

    Now to wait for the high quality installer to finish downloading.

  13. This was such a great deal.

    We had 4 people of our previous game guild that have not played in years or never played lotro buy this special package deal and are going to give it a go.

    Turbine if they are smart should continue this deal for the foreseeable future until the next expansion. If it did I bet more of our friends would take advantage.

  14. Was this like a one day deal? I checked earlier this week and again today at it’s 29.99.

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