Posted in World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft: Revisiting the Warlock

With my Shaman at level 70 in Pandaria Remix and plenty of time left on the clock, I thought it’d be a shame not to get at least one more fresh character to the cap. So in honor of the O.G. Syp — who was a Gnome Warlock back in the day before my wife took my account and I started another — I rolled up a similar character with a similar name.

I didn’t expect to take an instant liking to her as much as I did. I mean, it’s a Gnome, and I love Gnomes, but her attitude and class just popped to me. It’s going to be hard picking a main character for the fall expansion! C’mon, she looks so hardcore on that hoverboard.

My warlock’s rise was lightning fast this time around, especially after I hitched my wagon to an overpowered tank who blitzed us through four heroic dungeons in a row. I think I got 10 levels in about 15 minutes there.

Speaking of Gnomes, I’m still plinking away at leveling up my Gnome Hunter to level 70. She’s 66 at the moment, so not that bad. I pretty much just run one or two dungeons a day, especially if she’s got some rested XP, and that seems to be doing the trick.

A big chonky dragon boss might be a little more impressive if I hadn’t just spent an entire expansion overdosing on dragon everything. Seriously, if I never seen another WoW dragon again, it’ll be too soon.

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