Posted in General

Finals Time!

It’s that particularly stressful time of the year when finals, Christmas and many other activities collide together, and as a result, I’m a bit overloaded.  I’m going to take a couple days off blogging to handle what needs to be done.

Enjoy the weekend!

7 thoughts on “Finals Time!

  1. Good luck on Finals and enjoy the holidays! Merry Christmas to you, your wife, and your Sypling!

  2. Woot! Have fun dude!


    Syp of Bio Break takes 4 day Holiday, gaming industry slows to a crawl….


  3. You and me both, brother. My posting has slowed down in the last couple weeks as I try to keep up with final papers and cram for finals too. Good luck!

  4. I assume taking a break means you’re only posting once a day?

    Sorry, couldn’t resist. Good luck with your finals and other activities.

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