Posted in Newbie Blogger Initiative

NBI: Revenge of the Winniekin

I want to kick off today by thanking those of you who have been supporting the Newbie Blogger Initiative by reading the bloggers that are starting up.  It’s never easy, they aren’t always polished, but everyone starts somewhere, and it’s a huge boost at the beginning if you get even one encouraging comment.  So pledge today to leave a few supportive comments on these blogs!

  1. Winniekin’s Adventures / Winnie goes F2P: A pair of blogs detailing the adventures of a LOTRO fanatic
  2. Diminishing Returns: A blogger who looks at the evolution of gaming
  3. World’s End Tavern: A WoW blogger tries once again to get into the groove of writing
  4. Warrior Needs Time Badly: A gameaholic drops his hat into the blogging ring
  5. We Do It The WASD Way: Chronicling gaming adventures through many worlds

Bio Break blogging tip of the day: Long posts aren’t necessarily better than short ones.  In fact, if you do write a long one, break it up with section titles, lists, or something to help reduce the eye strain!

A few advice posts from fellow bloggers: Blogging wrong, blogging right, (Skycandy),  Choosing the subject of your blog (Shards of Imagination), Keeping up with the industry and bloggers (MMO Compendium), Curling up with a good bloog (Avatars of Steel)

2 thoughts on “NBI: Revenge of the Winniekin

  1. Thanks for linking to my blog, and thanks for taking the time to set up all of the NBI stuff too! I really appreciate it. 🙂

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