Posted in World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft: Taking the side roads to level 70

To pass the (short) time between healing dungeons in World of Warcraft, I pulled together a new healer/nature-looking outfit for my Druid. I like the metal clawed toes, they lend a touch of class.

I’ve also been poking into every crevasse of Stormwind, which is certainly different from its vanilla days. I wouldn’t have put the above picture in that city if I hadn’t found it myself!

At this point I have to ask myself how many characters I really want or need at level 70 to be ready to jump into The War Within. I’m only highly invested in my Death Knight and Druid, although I do have a pretty cool Shaman and Hunter at level 60 that could be nice future options. I’m wondering if Blizzard is going to do a catch-up event after the Pandaria Remix as it’s done in past expansions, which might be helpful to get gear up to par for this fall. As these things go.

Time to check out the May trading post offerings! There weren’t any headlining items I wanted, although I did snap up a cool rise-themed dagger and a shoulder cape. And because I’ve built up such a reservoir of tender, I went ahead and purchased a treasure chest backpack that I’ve been holding frozen for a year now.

As my Druid reached level 70, my thoughts have turned more to side projects — beneficial accomplishments for my entire account that would be worth pursuing. The problem? There’s SO MUCH content in WoW that I need to do my homework to figure out what’s useful to do and what’s just busy work with no point. So that’s next on my list to do.

2 thoughts on “World of Warcraft: Taking the side roads to level 70

  1. The way I understand it is that we make new, specific characters for the Panderia remix, which then transfer back to regular servers after it’s over. So if that’s the case, perhaps that final set of remix gear is being designed to do the job?

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