Posted in Gaming Goals

Syp’s gaming goals for July 2024

June 2024 in review

  • You know what? This actually ended up being a pretty great month of gaming, all things considered. I wasn’t bored with a strong rotation of games and projects to cycle between, and there was even a new MMO launch along the way.
  • In LOTRO, I took a break from high-level stuff to spend time with my level 32 Lore-master as she finished up Bree-land and went into Lone-lands. Probably my biggest moment there was buying the new mini bog lurker combat pet, so it wasn’t like it was a month of extreme highs or lows.
  • Much of my passion was channeled at World of Warcraft, where I leveled up a couple Pandaria Remix toons. But toward the end of the month, I decided to switch servers and completely reroll my entire roster using the Remix event as a way to bring them all up to speed. More on that in another post, but it’s actually been a great decision for me.
  • After a couple months in Fallout 4, I went back to Fallout 76, especially in light of the new map expansion. It’s been good! I pursued the questline for the Mistress of Mysteries, which took me all over the place and had me face off against many challenges.
  • I made good on my promise to return to Guild Wars 2, where I casually got back into mapping with my Engineer. I’m about 56% map complete on her and going through the Charr areas.
  • I also checked out Tarisland. Thoughts on that forthcoming.

July 2024 gaming goals

  • This is going to be a weird month to game, as I’m going to be gone on a lot of small little trips, so my overall output may be down. It’s OK — it’ll actually be a good month for those disruptions considering everything that’s coming in August.
  • My main goal is speed leveling six (!) World of Warcraft characters to level 70 in Pandaria Remix. I’m almost solely focusing on leveling until this is done, and then afterward, bronze generation for additional rewards. Ideally, I’d like to have all of these characters done by the end of July.
  • LOTRO looks to have an interesting month with Update 41 (birding hobby!) and a new legendary server. Who am I kidding? I’m totally going to roll on that shard. I have to figure out what I’m going to play, class-wise, but that’s my plan.
  • Fallout 76’s goal is “more questing” with a side of making sure that I can create/farm healing items.
  • I’m going to drop Guild Wars 2 this month and pick back up Elder Scrolls Online, get through Greenshade and on to Gold Road.

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