Posted in Lord of the Rings Online

LOTRO: A merry dol indeed

Even with Bree-land deeds fully complete (minus the Wildwood), I’m not quite done with the area. Since I’m heading in the direction of Lone-lands with my River Hobbit LM, it makes sense to do the Bingo Boffin quests that also end up there.

While Tom Bombadil’s a slightly divisive figure among the Lord of the Rings fanbase, he does seem to have a passionate following in LOTRO. Everyone seems to have core memories of encountering him in the early game. Yet it’s kind of wild to realize that past these sojourns in the Old Forest, you never bump into him again — unlike pretty much every other major character from the book. Or minor character. Or made-up character. Maybe that rarity is what keeps him feeling special.

I haven’t been too hasty (hrmm hrmm) in going through Corsairs of Umbar on a second character, since I just spent the past half-year doing that with my Minstrel, but it’s probably time that I start prodding my Captain in that direction. She’s only through the first chapter of the Song of Waves and Wind, so her journey is quite long — and yet not nearly as long as my lowbie’s will be.

I can tell you that I’m genuinely glad to be reconnecting with my Captain after months of playing other characters. There’s something about the whole feel of the class and the way that combat functions that clicks well with me. And if it wasn’t for the fact that I already have a pretty cool-looking ghost herald by my side, I would totally splurge on a Hobbit herald with Update 40’s change.

And speaking of Update 40, I began tackling the new quest pack that sends me to five underground areas. I’d be more thrilled about it if it didn’t mean that I have to once again subject myself to the navigational nightmare of Umbar. Every game session in this city gives me a new reason to dislike its layout. It’s now become my least-favorite city in the whole game.

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