Posted in Fallout

Fallout 4: The private eye and the Silver Shroud

I’m starting to focus a lot more on quests in Fallout 4, because (a) the stories are more interesting than random wandering, (b) the XP is way better than I’ve been getting and I need levels, and (c) I need the direction and focus.

But it won’t stop me from being a screenshot tourist. Hey, here’s a teddy bear going number two! The glasses are a nice touch.

I finally made my way over to the main settlement hub, Diamond City. Here I found a couple new companions, a few quests, and was able to sell off junk and upgrade some of my gear and weapons.

Without trying hard, I found the “Cheers” bar. They did a pretty good job, there’s even a skeleton with a postman hat in the corner! Hey Norm!

I can’t tell you how excited I am to have rescued Nick Valentine and have him as my companion going forward. A synth who’s also a film noir-style private investigator? That’s like the coolest thing ever. And his voice acting is incredibly well-done.

I had a pretty good time becoming the “Silver Shroud,” a costumed crime fighter, and helping to clean up the world from a few evil-doers. Y’know, with my combat shotgun.

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